Monday, November 02, 2009

Surgery Tomorrow...Nov. 3rd 2009

We are once again heading into the operating room. Tomorrow, Connor will go into the OR at Children's Hospital for his Tonsil & Adenoid Removal Surgery. We check in at 10am and the surgery is scheduled for 11:45am. We will be posting updates just as soon as we have information both here and on Facebook. Thank you in advance for your prayers for Connor. This is going to be a rough surgery for him. The recovery will be more difficult for Connor than the typical child because he is still exclusively on the g-tube for his nutrition. Typically, children would enjoy milkshakes and popsicles to soothe the pain and swelling post surgery, but Connor will not be able to do those things. We are quite sure that they will give him some pretty strong pain medication for that very reason, but time will quickly tell what he will need.

Randy is home so he will be with us at the hospital which I am very grateful for. My mom will be here with the little munchkins and we anticipate a couple of days in the ICU and then hopefully we will be able to bring him home.

Time to get some sleep before the big day tomorrow. We covet your faithful prayers and encouragement.

Lovebug Hugs,


Stephanie said...

Sending prayers your way. We thought Christopher would have a hard time with his too, but he was on tylenol by the next day and only ended up staying 4 days because it was over the weekend and the docs didn't want to let him go until his regulars looked at him.

We are praying that things go as smooth for Connor too. He is getting soooooo big!

Steph and Christopher

Sky said...

sending you all prayers this morning!